Fine Art Printing on Canvas & Paper

Preserving Memories Transforming Photos into Canvas Prints

PD September 11, 2023 by vani
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Photographs, by definition, are meant to capture and preserve a moment for a long period of time. Transforming your photos into canvas prints not only preserves the picture for a great duration, it also brings other advantages. In this post, we look at those advantages and also bring you ideas on the kinds of prints to choose for different spaces. 

Advantages of printing your photos on canvas 

Here are the key advantages which canvas prints have over conventional photographs. 

Extremely durable 

A common issue with printed photographs is that they lose their visual quality in a relatively short amount of time. This is not conducive to the central purpose of many photos- which is to preserve a moment worth cherishing. Canvas prints, on the other hand, are extremely durable. With archival quality canvas and superior inks, your photo memories could last for decades with no discernible loss of image quality.  

Not prone to damages 

Canvas prints don’t damage easily. You can move them around with ease, without worrying about causing damages in the process. They are also easy to maintain. You could simply use a soft piece of cloth to wipe dust from a canvas print. 

Better aesthetics 

Canvas prints have a superior aesthetic appearance compared with most conventional prints. A well chosen picture on a canvas print enhances the beauty of the space which it adorns. 

Different sizes 

Canvas prints can be made in different sizes, so that you can pick them for your photo memories according to the spaces in which they are used. 

How to choose the right photo canvas prints for different spaces 


We don’t often associate an office with pictures that reflect personal memories. But smaller size canvas prints of loved ones can still be used on your desktop. These can be pictures that include the whole family together, or more typically, they depict only the loved ones in your life. In many cases, these pictures serve as a symbol as to why many of us work- so that we could take care of our families.

 While choosing the photograph, make sure that the predominant colours in it don’t clash with the colour of the desk and also the cabin or office walls. Also, print the picture on a relatively small canvas so that it wouldn’t dominate the space- after all, the main purpose of the office is work-related and not for personal reflection. 

Living room 

Journeys that you take with your family and/or friends often provide moments that you end up capturing on photographs. These photos also can be transformed into canvas prints so that they would last considerably longer than regular photographs. For some of these memories are worth preserving for decades. 

You can use these canvas prints to adorn the living room, especially if the pictures are of your family members. These pictures are instant mood-lifters and lend a cheerful vibrancy to the spaces they are used in- something that visitors to your home would no doubt appreciate. 

But it’s not just trips that form a good subject of photographs for the living room. Pictures of major events in your life can also take pride of place there. These could include pictures of weddings and other occasions of personal significance. You can also use pictures of your parents and grandparents. Ideally, you should use images in which you and they share the frame. This would be a great way to honour their centrality in your life. You could also consider custom artwork that thematically gels with the living room. 

Study room 

The study room is the perfect space for pictures that depict your academic and/or professional accomplishments. Pictures from award ceremonies and other occasions in which you were appreciated for an achievement could be transformed into canvas prints for this purpose. These images serve as photo memories of what you could accomplish if you put your mind to it, and encourage you to keep doing your best. A pleasant looking  custom artwork which is not too loud to distract you could also be used in the study room. 


The bedroom offers a smorgasbord of ideas in terms of what kind of pictures on canvas you could use. From the quirky to the solemn, the spectrum of choices with pictures is quite vast- essentially, whatever appeals to the sensibility of those who use the bedroom could be used. 

For instance, if the room is used by parents, a blown up image of their toddlers might strike their fancy. If it’s a teenager’s room, they might prefer a picture of a trip they took with parents and siblings. In the case of the elderly, they might prefer a group picture that encapsulates multiple generations within a single frame.

 Of course, no matter who uses the bedroom, typical considerations for choosing pictures apply here as well. For instance, the predominant colours shouldn’t clash with the colour of the wall, and the size of the canvas prints should be proportionate in relation to the room. For example, if a print ends up covering the bulk of an entire wall when the room only has a limited space, it could make the whole room feel even smaller. If the person who uses the room is an art lover, a custom artwork can also be considered. 

No matter which space you wish to adorn with a photograph, canvas prints are the best option. With timeless beauty and enduring robustness, they add charm to any space they are used in. 

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