Fine Art Printing on Canvas & Paper

Revamp Your Walls with Canvas Prints Online A Journey of Personalised Artistry

PD June 30, 2023 by vani

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Personalised art is art with a theme that has personal significance for you. The term ‘art’ may bring to mind work that’s expensive to produce. But personalised art for your walls needn’t be so. Not if you consider getting canvas prints. These prints depict images in high quality, with greater depth of colours than  traditional variants. They also last for decades without the colours fading. Making things even better, it is easy to get canvas prints online from Photoshop- simply share an image over the Net and get the print delivered to your doorstep. 

All these make canvas prints ideal for personalised art. But what should you keep in mind when you are revamping your walls with them? Read on to find out. 

Print Your Loved Ones Photographs

These  are among the most common personal art that people use. They are a visual affirmation of your affection for your dear ones, and also a way to commemorate people in a particular time and place. With the passing of time, these images spur fond memories. Canvas prints are an excellent choice for this, especially since they last long without fading. 

Canvas prints also have another advantage - you can get them in various sizes. A larger-than-life print for the living room wall, palm sized prints for the office desk, small vertical prints for walls already rich with other photos…the possibilities are endless. 

Paintings of family members 

The camera has democratised the act of image-making. But photos often lack the evocative beauty of paintings. Not everyone may be skilled enough to produce a good painting. But it is worth getting a painting of your family on canvas print. This unique personalised art will delight the eyes and mind for ages to come. 


Personalised art needn’t all be about people. They could also be about places you love. Maybe, there is a favourite holiday destination that you and your dear ones visit frequently. A canvas print with an image of the place would be a great piece of art for your home- especially in a personal space like the bedroom. 


Personalised canvas prints needn’t all be pictures of people looking at the camera. They could also be of people- precisely, your loved ones- performing some activity they excel at. For instance, if there is a dancer in the family, a canvas print would be a great way of appreciating the talent. You can capture minute details in a canvas print; so the beauty of the movements, costumes etc. would come across loud and clear.

Personal lifestyle images 

These images are about a lifestyle you are involved in. For instance, bikers have an on-the-road aspect to their life. They can use images revolving around the idea. Another example are images of objects a science nerd might have an interest in. Such an image could be transformed into a canvas print. 


Not all canvas prints need be of photographs or paintings.They can also depict typography- words printed in interesting font styles. The words may talk about a worldview or belief  you uphold, or values that are important for your family. Typographies are  well-suited for the living room where such inspirational words might resonate with your guests as well. They could also adorn the walls of your bedroom and dining room based on the words. You can choose different typography styles. For example, funny quotes may look good in a cartoon-like font while floral fonts suit words related to nature. 

Don’t forget the pets 

Last but not the least, consider getting canvas prints of your pet’s images. When it comes to cuteness quotient, they would be hard to beat. 

Now that you have seen how best to revamp your walls with canvas prints, get canvas prints online from Photoshop. Photoshop brings a wide range of canvas choices. Also, you can place your orders and get the print from the comfort of your home. 

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